View Our Testimonials
This program doesn't just help fund cadets, it changes lives. These young men and women have chosen to commit their lives to serving their communities. Cadets come from a variety of backgrounds, and your funding helps create real opportunity for those of them that might not otherwise have it. Don't take our word for it though. We will let the cadets tell you themselves.
Our Reviews

Joining the LAPD Cadet family changed my life. I would like to once again thank my mentors whom advised me along the way of the program. Because of these individuals I no longer found myself being the girl who was afraid to talk, look anyone directly in the eyes, or afraid to shake an individual's hands.
Although I am no longer a cadet, the confidence that was instilled in me is my drive and motivation for all that I do. I had the support and guidance of several LAPD officers who pushed me to look at stressful situations as an optimist. Just last year, I completed my Master's degree in Communication Studies while simultaneously being a college instructor for public speaking students. Completing this degree was in no way easy. However, receiving scholarships from the LAPD Cadet Program helped ease the financial responsibility that burdened me so that I could solely focus on excelling in my academia.
The LAPD Cadet Scholarship Fund helps individuals like myself, who are eager and willing to absorb knowledge, but are hindered by their stance in the low income bracket. The Scholarship Fund also aids students so that they can go out and conquer their goals and aspirations just like I did.
Former Chief Of Cadets

I am a police officer of 22 year with the Los Angeles Police Department. I am assigned as the Youth Service Officer with the LAPD Newton Cadet Program. I am going to take you back 33 years. When I was 13 1/2 years old, enrolled at Carver Junior High. I was this skinny little teenage girl from South Los Angeles. I was itching to do something more than the regular
teenager. I tried to get involved in some school activities but could never really find my place.
It was then that my cousin introduced me to the LAPD Explorer Program at Newton Division, currently named as the LAPD Cadet Program. The friendships I made, the training and the experiences I received by being part of the Explorers helped shape the woman I am today. learned so much in the 8 years as an explorer. Growing up we were often scared of the police. They only came around when something bad happened. I quickly learned that police officers were awesome and I wanted to be like them. I met two of the best police officers, my Youth Service Officers Farnham and Wright. They were like my second parents.
Being an explorer allowed me to work side by side with our police officers. I worked the front desk, learned to write reports and did ride-a-longs. I especially enjoyed the fun activities and volunteered hundreds of hours each year to my Newton Community.
When people ask me if I could turn back time what era or age would I turn back too. I always answer the question with the same response, I would go back to my Explorer years, 14-21 years old. I had some of my best memories and I have met some of the best people. From this program I met all the friends that I have mrt in my life. They have been my second family and continue to be. Within my circle of friends, 90 percent of them have gone on to join the law enforcement program.
I thank Officer Negrete, a former Newton Explorer and the Cadet Scholarship Foundation for paying it forward. As of date we have had several of our cadets awarded the LAPD Cadet Scholarship. This has been a tremendous help in assisting our cadets to further their education.
Brenda Morales

"Being part of the Los Angeles police Cadet program helped me in different ways. I started the program
without expectations, but in the long run I realized that it had prepared me for college by teaching me
about discipline and structure. The program also provided me with opportunities that I could not
possibly have experienced if I had not joined, such as working with detectives and visiting different
places. Thanks to the Cadet program, I was able to meet Officer Negrete and the scholarship foundation
that was supporting the Cadets continue their education. graduated from high school in 2016, the
scholarship foundation helped me purchase a computer which was able to use during the past four
years, as well as it helped me pay for my housing. It was the support that the Cadet program and the Los
Angeles Cadet Scholarship Foundation gave me that kept me motivated to continue as knew had their
support. I am now graduating from University of California Merced with a sociology major and a double
minor in philosophy and cognitive science."
Stephanie Varela, LAPD Cadet, 2016

It is said that our circumstances don't define us and that is true. The way in which we handle our
given circumstances is what makes us who we are. This is the type of mentality that the LAPD
Cadet program instilled in me. I was born and raised in a low income neighborhood in Los
Angeles, I often feared that I'd somehow fall into the trap of gangs, drugs, and crime. Yet, Ole
catalyst that made me realize that I was in control of my liÉ was LAPD's Cadet Program.
I can't help but remember back at my pre-teen years before joining the program. I felt scared,
frightened, and unsure of the journey that lied ahead of me. Thus, did not expect to become a
leader nor did expect to one day become the Chief Cadet of the Los Angeles Police Cadet
Program, yet these experiences served as the foundation for who I am today.
Joining the LAPD Cadet family changed my life. I would like to Once again thank my mentors
whom advised me along the way of the program. Because of these individuals I no longer found
myself being the girl who was afraid to talk, look anyone directly in the eyes, or afraid to shake
an individual's hands. Although I am no longer a cadet, the confidence that was instilled in me is
my drive and motivation for all that I do. I had the support and guidance of several LAPD officers
who pushed me to look at stressful situations as an optimist. Just last year, t completed my
Masters degree in Communication Studies while simultaneously being a college instructor for
public speaking students. Completing this degree was in no way easy. However, receiving
scholarships from the LAPD Cadet Program helped ease the financial responsibility that
burdened me so that I could solely focus on excelling in my academia. The LAPD Cadet
Scholarship Fund helps individuals like myself, who are eager and willing to absorb knowledge,
but are hindered by their stance in the low income bracket. The Scholarship Fund also aids
students so that they can go out and conquer their goals and aspirations just like I did.
Today, I proudly serve the city Of Los Angeles as a police officer in South Los Angeles. I have
no doubt that I will achieve what have envisioned for myself in the near future. I am proud to
say that my journey with LAPD's Cadet Program has equipped me to take on my aspirations
with confidence.